Gift Guide: Virgo Season
It's time to celebrate our practical, organized, detail-oriented, and loyal Virgo friends - Happy Virgo Season!
Virgo is an Earth sign and moss agate is associated with the earth. Can you think of a better gift than our earthy Terra Necklace or Moss Agate Charm Bracelet?

Indulge in their love for both organization and attention to detail with a neat little stack of our Texture Bangles.

Remind your favorite Virgo to put down the planner and make time for some fun with Elixir No.3. It's a balanced blend of vibrant and relaxing essentials oils that will calm their perfectionistic streak and reenergize them for some well-deserved fun time!

If perfume isn't their thing, grab one of our Happy Hour candles. It's sweet fragrance will fill their space with notes of honey and bourbon to create a festive and fun mood.

Or, harness some of that earth energy with our Midnight Forest candle. With notes of cedarwood, palo santo, terracotta, and red clay it's sure to create a grounded and earthy vibe in your home.
Happy Birthday Dear Virgos!